March 2022

Hello and welcome to GeorgiaJanet’s Blog! I write monthly on this page about varied topics and happenings. Be sure to visit the other pages of my site my clicking on the menus above. Your comments, shares, and reviews are always appreciated.

Y’all probably got sick of me talking about 50ths last fall when I talked so much about my 50th high school reunion. Now I am writing about a much more momentous 50th. On March 10, 2022, God willing, my husband and I will celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary. In case you are questioning the math, you read that right. The thing is, I was a child bride – just a baby really, in so many ways. In other ways I was exceptionally mature. I had skipped my last year of high school, went straight into college, and was about to receive the first of my five college degrees (an associate’s) when we got married between the winter and spring quarters. 

Oh my how times have changed. When we started dating in the summer of 71 my Mama wasn’t so sure about her then 17-year-old daughter going out with this almost-27-year-old man who had his own apartment, two cars, and two motorcycles. Little did she know, he was probably the straightest, most upright, conservative guy I ever dated. By August we were engaged and set the date to marry the following March. My daddy had to go to the courthouse in downtown Atlanta and sign for me to get married! Mama and Daddy both ended up loving Joe as much or more than I did. We only had Daddy two years before he died, but Mama ended up with 26 more years with us. It would not be amiss to say she ended up loving him more than she loved me. 

What happened to that young girl? Well, she grew up and became a woman. God sent just the right man to make that happen, and though it hasn’t always been easy it’s been an amazing 50 years. Three sons, seven grandchildren, five homes, six beloved pets, six college degrees, world travels, and about twelve jobs later between us and we are still making memories together. If you are old enough, just think back 50 years. No cell phones. No computers. No internet. No baby car seats. No cable TV. What did we have? A rotary engine Mazda. A cassette tape recording of the wedding ceremony. A friend singing We’ve Only Just Begun. Only cake, nuts, mints, and punch at the reception. No dancing! After all, it was a Baptist Church. 

What do we have now that we had then? Each other, our love, and our faith. Friends – some that were even in the wedding. Family members – those we haven’t lost along the way. Some sticks of furniture we had in that first little apartment. We have plenty of what ifs, how comes, whys, praises, and sorrows. We have questions for which we will never have answers this side of heaven. We have answers to questions we never thought to ask. We have as many memories as there are stars in the sky, and I pray we keep those and make more for years to come. 

I love you Joe Chapman, now and forevermore. 

Need a few love songs? GO HERE and scroll down.