In like a lion, out like a lamb.

MARCH 2021

So goes the March motto. March is definitely one of those months. Forrest Gump might say it’s like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get. Down here in Georgia that is certainly true. So far, in 2021, March has been lovely. Very warm spring days, some trees blooming and daffodils nodding their regal crowns. Not many green leaves on the hardwoods yet. We will have to endure the yellow gold dust before we can enjoy the green-apple colored spring leaves.  At the same time, there is that little winter witch way back in our brains that stands ready to throw one more curse upon us before fleeing. Some of our worst ice storms happen in March. Atlanta was frozen to a standstill on March 2, 1942, March 11, 1960, March 13, 1980, March 24, 1983, March 13, 1993, and March 1, 2009. Ice storms in March are a big insult when we also have to deal with deadly tornadoes (March 14-15, 2008, March 24, 1975, March 27, 1994, March 3, 2019).


The dichotomy of in like a lion out like a lamb reminds me of personalities in people, too. There are many ways people define their characters. It might be fun to try a few of these out. I’ll share mine and I hope you will share yours in the comments.

Enneagram Type One. The reformer. But Three (Achiever) and Five (Investigator), tied for a close second. High sense of integrity, morality, right and wrong. Likes rules and regulations. Able to see people and situations objectively. Takes responsibility to reform and solve problems. Take the test here:


Myers Briggs INTJ. Introverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Judging. Eager to improve systems and processes. Independent, works well alone, prefers concepts, ideas, and intellectual relationships. Take this test here:


True Colors. I am high Green and Gold. Greens are analytical and intuitive. They see the big picture and effectively solve problems. They like to be right! Golds respect rules, dependability, responsibility, and want those they work with to do the same. Take the test here:


Although I don’t place any stock in astrological signs, my Libra nature wants to weigh all sides of an issue and make a rational decision. My mind starts racing to formulate the opposite position of that being stated, just for debate’s sake. My patience is tested by ignorance, blind allegiance, and sheep who cannot think for themselves. Look here for your zodiac profile:


Hmmm. Not much dichotomy here. They all sound about the same! That brings me to this. Are the lion and the lamb so different? Stay with me here – both are images of Jesus: Jesus the majestical Lion of Judah and Jesus the sacrificial lamb. The saying that the lion shall lie down with the lamb is actually not an exact Bible quotation, but it is still a beautiful illustration. As different as we may all seem, we can be united. One might think the lamb and lion to be natural enemies, and in the earthly sphere that may be so, but in the spiritual realm, through Jesus Christ, they are both exemplifiers of God’s love. Can we, a population of souls so different yet so alike not be the same? I believe we can. Especially as we approach this Easter season let us all, whether we be Enneagrams one or nine, INTJs or ENFJs, Golds, Blues, Greens, Oranges, or Libras, Scorpios, Tauruses, or Pisces, strive to be the manifestation of God’s perfect love through Jesus Christ, his son, the Lion and the Lamb.

Easter blessings to you all.


  1. Interesting, Janet…a good read. Our society seems far away from the harmony of the Lion and the Lamb right now…but the promise Easter holds still gives us hope! Happy Easter!

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